
What should patients hope for after having transplanted their hair?

Immediately after the surgery, the patient is provided with all the advice he needs. The team of specialists will make the necessary medications for covering the implanted hair follicles as much as possible.

The receiving region doesn’t require special care, as it follows a very normal healing. From the third day after surgery onwards, the operated area must be washed properly. The first wash will be carried out by the team of specialists. In addition to this, the patient will have to continue taking antibiotics in order to avoid infections and edema.

Likewise, for the donor region only antibiotics and frequent washing will be needed; in a couple of days the healing is complete. Daily washing should continue for 7/10 days in order to remove the crusts, and encourage the growth of new hair.

The positive effects of the surgery are immediately visible; the almost definitive effects will show themselves month by month with thick, natural hair, beard and mustache after a maximum of 12/18 months, with the process’s completion. All this depends a lot on the patient’s age and on hair growth speed. On average, after 8/10 months, patients are happy with the result achieved.

Comparison between before and after in hair transplant results through images.

In order to reaffirm the quality of our surgeries and the teams performing them, you may just see the “before” and “after” images of our patients for yourself. The results are so excellent that our patients are fully convinced that hair transplantation is the best solution to baldness problems.

The results are guaranteed, and our doctors are insured against any unlikely negligence, offering protection even for international patients.


6-8 months after hair transplant operations you begin to see re-growth of your transplanted hair. Hair growth progress continues until 12-18 months.

At the end of 12-18 months, you will see your hair transplant result.

Results will recieve in your mail adress!


Do you want to see before-after hair transplant results of our patients?

Please fill the form below and share your email address. Before and after photos will be sent automatically to your email address.

Note that displaying before after results of patients is prohibited according to healthcare marketing laws. For this reason, we don’t share our patients before and after results publicly.

Results will recieve in your phone!

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